This is all very very interesting, as I'm about to move out there in the
heart of it all to see what the deal really is.  I must say I can't wait to
live in a city with a real orchestra...but the general opinion of the BSO
 [on this list] is so low right now that, well, I'm not sure what to think.
Well, OK.  I think the following:

What with all the electronic & noise music already floating around in the
popular conciousness today, it seems to me that avant-garde programming,
especially when mixed in with basic rep, should not be as problematic as
it was even 20-30 years ago.  I could be wrong, I know a lot of you
Baroque-heads mention eschewing concerts altogether to avoid a Stockhausen
or Boulez work.  I myself would love to hear some Varese in person, or
whatever they have to throw at me.  It just seems that, considering what
one hears on TV, commercials, in the movies, and everyday noise, that an
out-there work, by oh, say, Birtwistle, or Maxwell Davies, or Xenakis, or
whomsoever [even the space alien!] would have more of a chance of people
getting over the initial shock in time to hear what is really going on.

I figure that I should just submit an application to the BSO and get it
over with.  Enough stalling.  Move over, Seiji...  ;-)

Bob K.