Allan Kohrman wrote:

>My longshot is Jeffrey Tate, who knows his way around the Mozart- Beethoven
>repetoire in ways that few others do.  But he has a physical handicap and
>thus lacks the charisma of Barenboim, Ozawa, Muti, and other musical

What on earth does having a physical handicap have to do with having (or
not having) personality? I find that Mr. Tate is quite capable of holding
his own in the charisma category.  Have you ever seen Thomas Quasthoff in
a live performance.  This man has a tremendous physical handicap which one
instantly forgets when the man opens his mouth to sing.

I also have problems with your tendency to make blamket statements
about musicians, calling them musical mediocrities as above.  Mediocre
musicians do not rise to the level of Muti and Ozawa and especially
Barenboim and stay there for long.  You may not agree with their styles
and interpretations, but if you are so good...well, let's just say that
I haven't seen your name at the helm of a major orchestra of late.

>If I had my way, I would audition four or five finalists and ask them all
>to conduct a Haydn symphony.  Much of my decision would be based on how
>well they conducted that.  If they can't conduct a Haydn symphony, then
>they shouldn't be offered the BSO position.  Of course that would rule out
>a great many charismatic hotshots.

Upon what criteria would you determine their passing or failing with the

Kevin Sutton