Bob Yoon wrote:

>It's a combination of education, maturity, and exposure that affected the
>degree to which I can enjoy certain works.

James Goodfriend used to write a column called "Going on Record" for
_Stereo Review_.  One from sometime in 1978 (when I saved it to my scrap
book I accidentally tore off the date) was titled "Music and Brains".  I
thought I'd offer a couple of his comments from over 20 years ago.

   "...the music we *listen* to is the music that is around for us to
   hear....Italians are exposed to more Italian opera, and at an earlier
   age...and therefore more of them get to like it and make a habit of
   listening to it....

   The real roles that intelligence and education play in the appreciation
   of classical music are not in determining whether or not people will
   listen to it, but in determining how they listen to it."

This is a main reason I play classical music in the classroom, and have for
over 20 years.  If we can expose students to the music, that is a begining.

bob stumpf