David Stewart tempts us:

>Anyone like to recommend a drink for their favourite composer?

How tempting!  (Of course, the above could be misconstrued...I'd love to by
Shostakovich a drink.)

Mussorgsky, of course, should be listened to while drinking as much vodka
as possible.  I don't know many willing to enter this composer's world to
that extent, though.  I bet it'd be rewarding, if slightly disorienting.

And I reckon that if you could get your hands on some absinthe (not in this
country!!) you could have a great time with Debussy.

IIRC some Russian composer wrote a symphonic poem called "Hashish", early
20th century.  But I can't find it now, and I've never heard it.  Anyone?

And I always figured Cage would be more meaningful under the correct
'influences'.  Hmm...A drink for Cage? Perhaps a single cherry blossom,
floating in perfume, served in a man's hat? (Or is that for Satie?)

Don Satz, on Keith Jarrett's Bach (and a related subject):

>It's definitely a WTC for the illicit drug crowd.

Yes, I had a great experience in college (in that crowd, so to speak) with
the St. Matthew Passion.  I'm not huge into Jarrett's CM, but I'll take
this as a glowing reccomendation.

Oh, crap, are those my true colors I see slipping out? I'll see if I can
reconceal them...

Bob K., slightly hungover