Ed Beach wrote:

>Is it in the best interest of a musical discussion to "exaggerate" a
>position in order to get a rise out of your fellow listers? Should we
>take your future postings less seriously?

I assumed that my "style" is fairly well known by now, and that most list
members would be aware of a large degree of exaggeration.  I was trying
to accomplish three things with my initial posting: make the subject and
posting more interesting, introduce the premise of gaining insight into a
person based on the person's music preferences, and write an "exaggerated"
posting in line with the musical exaggeration of some romantic-era music.
To whatever degree my approach irked list members, I do apologize.

>I do not think the responses were all that polite.  Mr. Newberry had some
>strong things to say in response.

Stirling is both strong and polite (sometimes).  I might be a very unaware
person, but not one response "hit" me except for Ed's which is effective
because most folks want to be taken seriously when that's their intention.
More than that, Ed's posting is a good reminder to me that it's not a good
idea to "force" a posting.  Fortunately, there have been many postings on
this thread with numerous interesting themes brought to light.

Don Satz
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