Richard Pennycuick queries:

>By coincidence, I notice the Akron orchestra is on the radio next week
>playing a symphony by one William Banfield.  Grove is silent on Banfield.
>Anyone help?

A little.  Not much.  I can tell you he is an American and was born in 1961
and has 6 listings in Schwann.  There is an Innova CD 510 devoted to him
called "Extentions of the Tradition" if that gives any idea.  Among his
recorded pieces that sound interesting are

Cone Tone for String Quartet (1988) [on the abovementioned CD]

Symphony No. 6, "4 Songs for 5 American Voices" for 2 Trumpets & Orchestra
 [on Telarc 80409] performed by Alan Balter and the Akron SO.  I wonder if
it's the same one that's on the radio next week?

That's all I know.  If I can locate either disc I'll give a report.  No

Bob K.