Bob Kasenchak wrote:

>But, I'm sure Andrew agrees with me that Mozart's best symphony is his
>40th.  -Then- 39th.  Then 41st.

Bearing in Mind Bill(Y)'s E-Mail address:- he reckons by the time One gets
past "Linz" = it is time to go elsewhere for Great Mozart Symphonies - But
Bill(Y) is Very Biased & HE Knows that he is!!

Walter Meyer wrote of Beethoven's 9th:

>The word "Friede" (peace) is absent from the 8-9 stanza text of Schiller's
>"An die Freude" and, a fortiori, from the fragment set to music in the
>Ninth Symphony."

I think there is the "famous" Word Translation Enigma occurring Around

Hadn't Herr B just lived thru the Napoleonic Wars including the Shelling of
Wien?? Surely a word like "Peace" means different things to Bob Marley than
to Ludwig ??

Karl Miller wrote:

>Anyone for Tubby the Tuba narrated by Annette?

It DOES get "worse" there's a Recording somewhere of "Dame Edna Everage" or
Mr Barry Humpries doing something like Peter - the "Down Under" Version!!

Stokowski also had a Nashless "Carnival of the Animals" on 78's.  This may
be that thing that Dame Edna did = Possums and Roos!!
