The discussion on this thread gave me the opportunity to re-listen to
the first recording Kubelik made of this work, the 1952 on Mercury Living
Presence with the Chicago Symphony (in a sentence:  get this performance,
along with the 1990 Czech Philharmonic version).

In reading the notes, I noticed something apropos to another List thread,
the one about the 38 year old Franz Welser-Most getting the nod as the
Clevelanders' new director.  Kubelik was all of 36 when he succeeded
Rodzinski (and the aborted attempt to bring in Furtwangler) as director.
One can only imagine how much this appointment of the young Czech would
have been questioned by the Midwestern Maven types:-).

As for me, I have no real opinion formed about Welser-Most, but his age by
itself presents no handicap for me.  The Kubelik/CSO "Ma Vlast" says in all
its glorious mono sound that great recordings and performances need not be
the exclusive province of old men.

Bill H.