Bruce Guidotti wrote:

> I am just trying Pierco for the first time this season on a package of bees I
> just hived.
> In the first week they made what seemed to me to be an inordinate amount of
> free comb in the space where I hung the queen cage.
> Second week, they didn't draw out much more of the Pierco.

A couple of observations:
1) Pierco has always worked great for me, but I have never tried it on a newly
installed package.  It really should be used on an established hive in a good
honey flow.
2) When installing a package, it is unnecessary to hang the queen cage in.  Just
release the queen immediately, being sure she doesn't fly up.  She will always
be accepted because the colony hasn't yet established itself as a going unit.

Ted Fischer
Dexter, Michigan USA