James Zehm wrote:

>What do you think of the NAXOS Bax Symphony Nr.1 set?

It's a good performance that stresses the angrier side of Bax's "man's
cruelty/nature" dichotomy.  To be honest, I don't listen to it much because
of a sonic problem, so that's a cursory account, at best.  My problem is
that the trombones are like a sonic laser out of the right channel in a way
that is oppressive and hard to take.  Generally, I give up after about half
a movement.  (I did get through the performance once, though.) I have
spoken to a few other people about this, and they noticed the same issue.
On the other hand, I recall someone on the list saying it was not a problem
for him.  Caveat emptor, I guess.  Maybe you'll get enough answers to make
a call.

Roger Hecht