Charles Yulish <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Berman Vanishes: Any insights as to why "The Legendary" Lazar Berman
>just seemed to vanish from the scene

Lazar Berman moved to Italy in 1990 and has been an Italian citizen since
1994.  There, he teaches at the Music Conservatory in Imola and devotes
himself especially to supporting young talents.  As a jury member he also
takes part in numerous competitions worldwide.

In 1997, BBC Birmingham invited him to give a recital as part of its
international pianists series.  After a first half comprising Liszt
works, the studio audience of a few dozen people were overcome by a truly
resplendent Mussorgsky "Pictures At An Exhibition." Never have I visualised
that music's images so vividly.

James Kearney
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