This just in:  advance copy of Yoel Levi/Atlanta SO Mahler 4 with Frederica
von Stade on Telarc 80499.  Also included are the Songs of a Wayfarer.

Quick review after 1 hearing:

The 4th is nicely rendered in Telarc clean digital sound.  Levi's opening
movement has enough motion to carry through the bells and introductory
thematic material to the meat of the matter.  The slow movement doesn't
drag but remains light-hearted, as I believe the whole work to be.
Although the performance is pleasing (IMHO upon 1 hearing) the real bonus
is F. v. Stade's wonderful work in the 4th movement.  She is clear,
shining, bright; follows Levi through the tempo changes in the brisk
section after the first verse re-introducing the bells & theme and back
to the lullaby nicely.

Worth a listen (if you like the 4th).  Light in spirit.  Repeated hearings
will test my tale.

Bob K.