John G. Deacon wrote:

>Walter Meyer <[log in to unmask]> replied to my comments about surtitles.
>One small point here concerns the considerable difference between the
>original French and the Italian, if I may be allowed to correct Mr. Meyer?
>Elle ne m'aime pas (She doesn't love me)
>becomes, in Italian,
>Ella giammai m'amo (She never loved me)
>But my point was that the translation conveys a sense, but it is served
>cold.  No other emotion or nuance is available which is comparable with
>what one hears from the voice.

I suspect that, here, we're not arguing so much as, like the blind men
examining the elephant, viewing the matter from different perspectives.  I
find the king's sudden realization well into his marriage that his wife had
*never* loved him ("Ella giammai m'amo") much more heart rending and to the
essence of the drama than the (to me) cold declaration in French that "she
doesn't love me" ("Elle ne m'aime pas").

Walter Meyer