Janos Gereben wrote:

>The following night, Britain's Arditti Quartet played the "standalone"
>version of the "Grosse Fuge," in a muscular (or muscle-bound) fashion that
>was completely different from what we heard the night before.  Not only are
>the evening concert shared between quartets, but J.J.  also makes them
>"compete" with the same piece -- splendid!

I'm sure it was different.  Aren't the Arditti contemporary music
specialists? I saw them here last year playing:

John Harvey - Quartet No 3
Ligeti - Quartet No 2
Carter - Quartet No 5
Akira Nishimura - Quartet No 2 "Pulses of Light"

It was quite an experience for me and for Brisbane really.  It was the
first time I have heard any of these pieces.  One is lucky to hear any
contemporary music here.  It is getting better though.  This was also
a welcome return to Brisbane for the 2nd violinist Graeme Jennings.
Apparently he was referred to the Arditti quartet by Elliot Carter.
If this is so, that's not a bad reference to be carrying about.

Matty G
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