Thomas Jones recalls

>the late 60's when people worked in record shops because they loved
>classical music.

There are still some people like that but they are harder to find.  In
the reminiscence department, I will never forget a moment at the time
mentioned.  I had purchased a complete Swan Lake and when I played it I
just detested what the conductor--Ansermet--did with the waltz in Act I.
Fortunately, one of the vinyl records was warped, so I had an excuse to
return it.  When the affable and knowledgable clerk asked what was wrong,
I gave him both my ostensible and real reasons for wanting to get rid
of it.  Instead of giving me a hassle he simply asked, "Want to hear a
really GOOD Swan Lake? Try Monteux on Philips." He was right.  Though an
incomplete version it is one of the best performances of anything I've ever
heard.  The way the final climax in Act IV builds is especially notable.

Jim Tobin