Patrik Enander wrote:

>I checked out our list-friend Bob Stumpf's web page, where I read
>entusiastic reviews of Kovacevich Beethoven.  I have no.  16-18 and I
>think it is very good CD.  But I do have a problem with it and that is
>the sound.  Hard, clangy almost insulting to the ear.  I read one review
>in Gramophone of another CD in the series where the reviewer found the
>interpretation very good but said that the sound was so horrible that he
>could not recommend it!  So I have definititly been dicouraged to buy any
>more CD:S in the series

I was surprised when I read that review.  I went back and relistened to the
disc several times.  As I usually use headphones when reviewing that may
have something to do with the different perceptions.  My headphones make
this disc very enjoyable, the sound through the speakers is less good, but
I do not have anywhere near the problems mentioned here.  So it goes.

bob stumpf