Irene Scopelliti wrote:

>And what abut Szerying s & p? IMHO the BEST recording!

I have the Szeryng too and it's a great performance.  I can't say that
any performance of these works is the BEST as there is so much in the
music that many different interpretations shine a different light on it
(which is why different interpretations of a piece are mandatory or in
any case most interesting and exciting).  I must say that Szeryng was my
favourite recording for a long time though.  It's unsentimental and in a
way unrelenting and focuses on the structure of the works.  It took me
some time to appreciate other views as well like Grumiaux's lyricism or
Menuhin's deep almost gypsy-like involvement.  These days I'm happy I don't
have to choose.
