Donald Satz ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>Bis recently issued a cd of Schumann piano works performed by Freddy
>Kempf.  I might have read a review of this cd, but I don't have any
>particular memory of it.  Any list members familiar with this recording
>or Kempf's playing in general?

I attended kempf's Wigmore Hall recital in London last month.

He opened with Betehoven's Op.111, a big mistake IMHO.  Firstly not a good
work to open with, secondly he just isn't ready for it yet.

Schumann's Carnaval followed and was much better, although I'd say Kempf
was a colourist rather than an architect, if you see what I mean.

The last work, Rachmaninov's Second Sonata, was the best thing he played.

He is being hyped in certain quarters, but I wasn't overwhelmed.

Deryk Barker
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