I would actually *prefer* to do all my buying in the store, but they've
deteriorated so much over the past few years that that is no longer even
conceivable.  So I end up doing most of the purchasing over the net...
somewhat more than I might have to do, mainly to fill out orders while
I'm bothering to make them.  I still buy things regularly at the local
Tower, when I can find them, even though they keep jacking up the price.
I definitely agree with Chris' implication that if I am going to go in
there, presumably because I value something about being there, I am
going to spend some money there too.  I do that sort of thing in every
context, religiously.  I'm frankly a little amazed at what lengths people
will go to in order to save $3.  I don't think it was that way 20 years

Todd McComb
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