David Steward writes:

>I suppose this is the reason that certain keys are chosen for certain
>moods.  F major is a very pastoral key hence B6.  C major is a very regal
>key hence Mozart PC26.  And is there any more lively key than G major.  My
>music teacher suggested it was to do with the open strings on Viol-ins/as
>etc.  so G major is obviously going to be a very bright key, as are D,A,E.
>A key that has none of those in like Ab Major is going to be very warm and
>mellow.  Seems like a sensible explanation to me.  Interesting...

I don't think I believe the open strings theory, string players often avoid
open strings anyway.  My own theory FWIW is that C major is bright because
it's white notes on the piano, Db is darker and warmer because you play
more black notes etc.  This isn't altogether explanatory because all the
sharp keys are fairly bright, including B major.  So maybe its the shape
of the sharp sign in the key signature - it looks spiky and the flat sign
looks pregnant (!) and warm.  So composers, being influenced, also write
in "appropriate" keys and the mood becomes attached to the key.

However, compare Khatchaturian piano concerto which never sounds like Db
to me as it's spiky and bold <g>

My other theory is that it's due to the non-equal temperament of piano
tuners who tune to white key (signatures) in 5ths or 3rds from C, so get
the white keys "right" and do the black keys last.  So most pianos are not
quite equal temperament - It would be interesting to do research on the
exact tuning of pianos.

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software - Music software written by musicians for musicians.