Noboru Inoue wrote:

>Now, I am considering like this; don't we stop naming Western/Eastern(this
>is a funny word, since earth is round!) music or North/South music, instead
>of call them music of earth(not necessary calling "universe", so far, until
>Martians bring their music to us).  Next century, I hope we will start
>non-geopolitic and impersonal music(and arts, I contains Haiku) at least
>in our mind.

There is already a very strong tendency in this direction, of course,
and probably it will inevitable strengthen even more, unless the whole
world-wide network of electronic communications and transportation
disappears.  But I am also afraid of regional and national varieties of
music getting lost in a world-wide homogeneous blend.  Probably a large
number of Japanese people, after WW II, felt that the traditional music
was associated with the evil of ultra-nationalism, and that impregnating
their nation's culture with the "best" of Western music would be a healthy
step forward.  But if this means neglecting a very special product of one
corner of the earth, it is a sad outcome.

Narrow nationalisms can be very destructive, as we can see on our front
pages every day. But in music, I think, they can only give life, not take
it away.

Jon Johanning // [log in to unmask]