David Stewart, regarding me, regarding Handel oratorios:

>Bob Kasenchak will probably to get a few irate emails for what he >wrote:
>>the same 10 words of text be used for one 15 minute aria? ...

No doubt I shall, although most seem to be holding back...

Dave Stewart again, in my defense:

>To support your point though, I find that arias do tend to all roll into
>each other while I gradually lose conciousness...


>...unless I take them in bitesize chunks, so 40 minutes is the ideal time
>to take a break from a Handel oratorio or opera.  Then you tend to enjoy
>it all instead of just the first 40 minutes.

Dear me, seems I'm back to defensive mode.  And so early in the morning!
And I thought this would be a -fun- thread?

Sigh...Well I'll take your advice next time, if there is a next time.  At
least I know I'm not -totally- alone in this.  And I'm not Handel-bashing
(yet).  I just think he did better work than, say, Semele or the Harp
(Organ) Concerto, Op. 4/6.  I think that when he really put himself to
it his melodies are great, when he didn't, well, they're kind of boring.
(Wow!  Modulated to the Dominant!?!  No Way!  Who'da thunk it!]

Oh, crap, there's that pesky sarcasm again.  I think I'll stop before I
gets myself in [more] trouble, lest all of the Baroque fanatics start
throwing arpeggios at me or something.

Bob K.