Bernard Chasan wrote:

>But in an age of increasing centralization (Disney, Warner) pluralism
>cannot be taken for granted.

Opposing the increased centralization is the increase of different cultures
within a country's boundaries.

D. Stephen Heersink wrote:

>Increasingly, television programs have become vehicles by which to
>watch commercials.

Well put.  Sometimes there are commercials within the programs.  However,
I don't think all this is caused by the market place, but by the less
attractive elements of the human condition.  People have great capacity to
screw up any economic system no matter how beautifully it is constructed.
I suppose that's fair; people create those systems.

Actually, considering how extensive the negative tinkering with the free
enterprise system tends to be, it operates pretty well.  The classical
recording market is but one example; don't you think so?

"Donald Satz" <[log in to unmask]>