David Stewart wrote:

>I haven't bought any new Mozart in ages.  Can anyone recommend some CDs
>to get ...  Anything conspicuously missing? I was thinking about the
>serenades, perhaps? The rest of the violin concertos? Any good missed

I would recommend:

Concert Arias (Decca)
Don Giovanni (Decca with Margaret Price's marvelous Donna Anna)
La Clemenza do Tito (Decca with excellent Teresa Berganza)
Magic Flute (EMI Klemperer, Philips Davis)
Cosi Fan Tutte (EMI Davis, DG Bohm)
The Abduction from the Seraglio (Philips Jochum)
(there are many other good recordings to choose from)

Violin Concerti&Sinfonia Concertante with Grumiaux (Philips)
Piano Concerti (Perrahia, Haskil, Anda, Serkin, Gieseking)
Solo Piano Works (Gieseking)

Krzysztof Lorentz
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