Mark Seeley wrote:

>I am looking for a strong recommendation for Hindemith's Kammermusik.

I am not an expert on Hindemith's recorded output, but I have a few
recordings including the complete Kammermusik directed by Chailly on a
2-cd Decca set.  I don't have any references to compare it with, but I've
enjoyed the set.  I also think the reviews were highly favorable.  It's a
highly varied group of seven works.  In addition to Chailly, other artists
on the set include Lynn Harrell, Kim Kashkashian, and Ronald Brautigam who
has been engaged in a Mozart piano sonata series for Bis(fortepiano).  I
hope nobody rises up and declares that Brautigam uses a modern piano; my
credibility will be shot.

Don Satz
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