Bob K.:

>What is the famous collaborative piece by Les Six? Is it "Les Maries de
>Tower Eiffel?" Is anyone familliar with this piece? I believe each of them
>wrote 1 movement? Is this useful to this collaboration discussion? Can one
>have a paragraph made entirely of questions?

I've reviewed this work at the ClassicalNet web site.  All is as Bob says,
except that Durey did not contribute.  So it was 5/6 of Les Six.  Two
other famous collaborative works include "L'eventail de Jeanne" by various
20th-century French composers, including members of Les Six, Ravel, and, I
believe, Florent Schmitt and Jacques Ibert, though I'm not sure of the last
two, and the original version of Der Lindberghflug by Weill and Hindemith.
I should also mention the 24 Paraphrases on "Tati-tati" (the Russian version
of "Chopsticks") by Liszt and members of the Mighty Five (minus Mussorgsky)
and Variations on "Tati-tati" by members of the Russian Five.

Whether any of these are truely full collaborations is open to dispute.
Only one composer worked on each (rather distinct) section.

Steve Schwartz