<Sorry, but there is no such thing as a "mycoplasma parasite" >

Yes, you are right, things got jumbled together when the Mom (actually
someone I have known for the last five years personally) related what the
Dr. had diagnosed.  I was baffled and that is why I posted.   She does
have a mycoplasma bacteria   AND yeast (cultured from her stool) AND (she
swears) an entameba coli. as intestinal parasite.  I thought the spelling
might be wrong when I first posted.

We have pretty much taken care of her fears of the medications (diflucan
for yeast, tetracycline for mycoplasma) , but her question/fear remains
that the mycoplasma bacteria can infect her baby.   She doesn't want her
baby to suffer the health problems she has had.

I hope that makes my question more clear.  Sorry if I confused it before.
Adele Delgado
Santa Ysabel, Ca. 92070

 (BTW, there was a very interesting article in the San Diego Tribune Wed.
14th regarding M. fermentens and biochemist Garth Nicolson is studying it
as a probable cause of Guf War Syndrome and possibly related to
Fibromyalgia.  This mom has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia among other
things) after a long search (five years) for relief but I didn't post the
whole terribly long history as it isn't specifically breastfeeding
related. )

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