Donna, you asked "I am interested in the conference held last year about BF in
situations.  Did the conference create a policy statement? "

I have a copy of a publication newly available in the UK from Baby Milk Action,
but published by IBFAN in 1996, which is called "Crucial Aspects of Infant
Feeding in Emergency and Relief Situations".

It is the report of a meeting with UN agencies and NGOs in Oct 1995, and has
lots of interesting appendices  (including examples of appeals in the UK which
undermine breastfeeding -- from the Bosnian war).  It is 70pp.

It sounds too old to be what you are asking about, but is pretty good.  I don't
know if there is an IBFAN group in Israel, but you could ask Baby Milk Action
how to obtain.  Their email address:  [log in to unmask]

If there is more uptodate info, would anyone psoting about it also post to me --
or Lactnet as a whole?  I would be interested in knowing.


Magda Sachs
Breastfeeding Supporter BfN and BMA Area Contact, UK

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