This is my first time psting to the list and I have some queastions
Well let me give a little background on myself I am a 21 year old music
education major.  I am a classical saxophonist or I should say aspiring to
be.  And my questions are I really want to dive into music and make it a
carrer but of course I have some doubts but I think I am confident.  As far
as a muscian should I concentrate on Jazz becasue since there isn't much
orchestral oppurtunity in the states.  SHould I work on my theory, I mean
I am a sophmore and my knowledge of theory is ok in my book by Walter
Piston I have gotten to secondary dominance, I was wondering if someone
could suggest other books on music theory or form and analysis.  My next
question in order to be recognized as a musician or even a good one should
one compete I have been thinking about this greatly and was wondering
people attension.  I have lately been interested in composition if there
are any composers on this list could someone prohaps point me to some
information in order to learn not how to compose but how to get published
or how to break in to film because I think I would be a good film composer.
And my last question maybe I am just to young to understand but what is the
big deal of Leonard Bernstien I don't really understand his as far as when
I listen to it.  thank you for reading my message

"Craig T. Hancock" <[log in to unmask]>