Schwartzo writes:

>I just finished reading a review of symphonies by Fibich
>(contemporary with Janacek, but died around 1900), written by Wilfrid
>Mellers on  Folks, we don't even show up on the radar.

Funny you should mention those symphonies.  I listened several times last
night to the Fibich Symphony No.  2, performed by Neeme Jaervi conducting
the Detroit Symphony (on Chandos) and thinking how Brucknerian in places,
how Brahmsian/Dvorakian in others, and Fibichian when all was said and
done.  Good music.  In another thread, (about Melinda Wagner and the
Pulitzer prize) I commented about falling in love with music after it has
been heard enough to become familiar, and I think that notion applies here.
I could easily imagine the Fibich 2 becoming a repertoire piece *if* it
were played enough.  It may not be grab-you-by-the-throat Janacek (as
Mellers comments) but it's still very good music.

Scott Morrison