John Detwiler wrote:

>If anyone has any thoughts on how to make CM "cool," I think we could get
>some good ideas going.

Santu De Silva writes:

>The word "cool" has some subtle connotations.  Unruffled.  Slightly
>dangerous.  Anti-establishment.  Not too concerned with appearances.
>Laid back.  Undemonstrative and unemotional.

Once again I must clarify everything....:)

People that we identify as cool write their *own* stories and create their
*own* experiences.  Their life is good enough.  They aren't interested in
vicariously enjoying the stories, (in this case, CM) of others.  Youth
and vicarious activity don't really go together, although there are a few
daydreamers in every crowd.  Vicarious enjoyment as a necessity seems to
come with age---even for those that were cool in their youth.

One may argue that the cool ones listen to pop music, but I would say it's
more accessorizing (sp?) their "happening" lifestyle than for losing
themselves in the musings of others.

John "just do it" Smyth