Philip Peters wrote:

>Henk van Tuijl wrote:
>>This is one of the LP's I could not put in the garbage can when I started
>>buying CD's.  I have a version of his Schumann on CD now, with Karajan,
>>recorded just after the war.  For some reason or other it does not sound
>>the same.
>Would it be possible that earlier you had the concerto with Ansermet
>conducting? This might explain why they don't sound the same.

It never crossed my mind that there could be another version of Lipatti and
Schumann on the market.  And your suggestion looked to me to be THE answer
to my question.  I immediatly delved deep in things from the past and
finally found the record.  To my surprise it is still complete, including
its transparant plastic hose and the sticker of the - in those days - best
classical record shop in town (long since bankrupt).  Rather to my surprise
it is the version with Karajan.  I must follow Robert's advise an buy the
latest remastering!  Many thanks for your suggestion!
