Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>I mention all this because a volume of his orchestral music, so far
>unspecified, is in Naxos's April release list on Marco Polo.  Two volumes
>of symphonies, with short orchestral works as fillers, have already
>appeared on this label as have some of the quartets (Don Satz might be

I am interested and already have one Marco Polo disc containing Hill string
quartets - it is very good music.  Richard, thanks for the reference.

Speaking of Naxos, I "was" interested in the Hugo Alfven disc containing
his first symphony and shorter orchestral pieces; then, I listened to
the disc.  The "fillers" came first, and I was disgusted with what I was
hearing.  I found the music to lack melodic interest, and worst to my
taste, Alfven seems to have a strong penchant for cheery and sappy music
which is the opposite of what I want.  By the time the Symphony started, I
was totally turned off and fell asleep during the first movement.  I'll be
trying the symphony again, but the fillers are "evil." I'm not stating that
Alfven is not a worthy composer; he just is not the type of composer that
I can appreciate.

Don Satz
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