Bob K. replies to my signature:

>>Stevie Schwartz, the Bad Boy of Music
>Tell me, is this an Antheil reference? I don't believe I've ever heard an
>Antheil reference, in any forum, for any reason...

Yep.  I've recently (within the past year) heard the original version
of Ballet mecanique (MUCH better than the revision).  One of the most
extraordinary pieces of this century.  I'm not a big fan of the later,
Stravinskian Antheil, but this is one of those great might-have-beens
of music.  Stravinsky once mused about the course of Western Music had
Gesualdo's output been more widely circulated.  I wonder the same thing
if Antheil had persisted in this vein.

I intend to do a fuller review.  I'm months and months behind in my
writing, so I can't say when it might appear.

Steve Schwartz