D. Stephen Heersink wrote:

>But given Haydn's other pleasures, this is one area where I don't mind
>skimping.  But one doesn't really have to sacrifice much of anything, since
>Jando has recorded six CDs for Naxos, and the results are very good.  For
>a mere $30 one can possess the entire repertoire, and know that "good" is
>"good" enough.

Well, I don't skimp on anything concerning classical music, and "good
enough" is not my trademark.

Mr. Heersink does not think very highly of Haydn's piano sonatas and is
content with Jando.  I consider the piano sonatas the "cream" of Haydn's
output, and Jando doesn't come close to satisfying me.  The $30 cost did
give me a chuckle; I've probably spent over $300 on Haydn piano sonatas
without any regret, and I have no plans to stop.

What is it with this guy Jando? Some list members make him sound like our
"salvation" to the degree that I'd expect to see a statue of him replacing
the Statue of Liberty.

Don Satz
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