Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>Further to Roger Hecht's comments about Thomas Dausgaard's Zemlinsky,
>I have him conducting symphonies by JPE Hartmann and Hamerik and am
>impressed by his work....

I also have the Hartmann and Hamerik recordings.  I agree with Richard
that Dausgaard does a fine job, and I think highly of both composers.
Concerning Hamerik, I have his 1st and 2nd symphonies on Dacapo and his 6th
on CPO with some Gade.  Dacapo has released a recording of Hamerik's 3rd
and 4th symphony, but I have been unable to find it in stores or the web
sites I have investigated.  Does anyone know where I can buy this
recording?  [I ordered and received it from -Dave]

The Hartmann and Hamerik symphonies I have heard are well-constructed and
fully engage my attention.  These are two composers who rate more exposure
than they get.  I truely believe that concert audiences would be pleased
with these works; the problem is that nobody appears willing to program

Don Satz
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