Eric Nagamine wrote:

>Like just about every other conductor out there today, he has his strong
>points and weaknesses.  I once saw him at Royal Festival Hall when he
>was Principal Conductor of the LPO.  It was the worst concert I've ever
>attended; poorly prepared and poorly played.  He really seemed like he was
>just sight reading Tristan and Isolde.  Got so bad that I left after the
>2nd act.  It seemed like he was using the LPO to learn the score for an
>opera house gig.

I wonder whether that was the same performance Martin Feinstein (former
General Director of the Washington Opera) described at a meeting of the
Wagner Society of Washington as having attended w/ his wife about two and
a half years ago, which they thought so bad, they left after the second

In the summer of 1994 my wife and I heard Welser-Moest conduct *Peter
Grimes* at Glyndebourne for which we had managed to get tickets through
the good offices of a friend on the Internet, which I enjoyed very much.
But then, I'm easy to please, and merely being at Glyndebourne may have
overwhelmed me.

Walter Meyer