Virtanen Jukka wrote:

>At least 2.symphony and Faust are marvellous.  The critics think different
>but I prefer him to Gardiner and Abbado(Faust).  I love the packaging too.

I'm a big Herreweghe fan and agree about his Schumann.  However, Abbado's
Faust is good also, and Abbado does bring greater expressiveness to the
performance than Herreweghe.  The question is whether a listener wants that
extra expression.  I can go either way, so I consider the two performances

Concerning the packaging of the Herreweghe Faust, I didn't like it at all.
It had a large "box" cover that was much too big for the contents.  I threw
it out the day I bought it - just took up too much room.

As for Herreweghe, I've heard mention of his new Beethoven 9th.  Has this
disc been released in the U.S.  yet?

"Donald Satz" <[log in to unmask]>