Patrik Enander wrote:

>I don't know if my English is good enough to really understand your
>question.  I didn't mean sample in any technical way.  More in a pedestrian
>way, ie take a walk to your record store a listen to volume 5 (they have
>released 9 volumes so far) On the cd among other excellent things are a
>duet between the counter-tenor Yoshikazu Mera and the tenor Makoto Sakurada
>that is so lovely.

I see.  Thanks.  I thought it was me again ;) But now that we're at it,
I like Suzuki's cantatas well enough but I do have some trouble with his
soprano Midori Suzuki, a mediocre singer IMO, rather weak, *flat* singing,
sometimes it even seems a bit off key.  Am I wrong here?
