Lionel Choi wrote:

>From what I've heard and seen, basically, in concerts, he (Mehta) just
>takes that platonic, brain-dead, autopilot music-making he seems to
>produce in the studio and pumps in gloss, glamour, volume, rougher tuttis,
>and a large dose of very flashy, very sweaty physical gestures that far
>too many people too commonly mistake for the mark of a great conductor.

I agree with Lionel.  There is something infuriating about the way Mehta -
for all his technical accomplishment - reduces everything he conducts to
banality.  The surface excitements are mere musical condiments.  Whether
it's Tristan und Isolde, a Beethoven Symphony, Shostakovitch or Mozart,
there's the same lack of any engagement with the music beyond baton waving
to keep things together and sounding nice.

FWIW I think the Man in the Moon is more likely to be offered the Berlin
job than Mehta. But time will tell....


Richard Davies