Bob Chen wrote:

>[log in to unmask] writes:
>>The last I new the Naxos Historical Series was unavailable in the
>>U.S. due  to licensing or copyright restrictions. Has this changed? If
>>not, are they available as imports?
>I've seen them as imports at the Tower Records in Hollywood.  I would not
>be surprised if they were available in San Francisco and New York as well.

I'd heard that the Met was quite jealous of its recorded performances and
(I assume through copyright and/or other licensing arrangements) permitted
their sale only through the Met itself for fund raising purposes and
perhaps through their own shop. I've nevertheless seen (and purchased,
no questions asked) such recordings at Serenade Records in Washington
DC before they went out of business.  In this fashion I have several
Flagstad/Melchior recordings of Wagner operas.

Walter Meyer