Julia Werthimer wrote:

>...  But Puccini seems to suffer a special fate: his work is so popular
>and tuneful that many CM buffs turn up their noses at it.

A la Tchaikovsky, whose praises I have sung many times on this list.  I'm
sure most Listers have read those postings, so I will exercise restraint
and not quote myself.  But don't forget: "Tchaikovsky -- Why the Snobs
are Wrong."

>At present I don't feel I want to hear or see Boheme or Tosca for quite
>a good while - but he was a superb craftsman, no doubt about it,IMHO.

Julia is a master of understatement.

Next year marks the centenary of Tosca.  It is being staged at the Kennedy
Center with Gorchakova (I think).  I have already told my wife that we will
be there (general groans around the dinner table).

Mitch Friedfeld