My sincere thanks to all of you who suggested farcical pieces for our play.
There are, however, a few more scenes where I would like some music:

1) "Farewell music." As the actors are about to start acting the "play
within the play," they say goodbye to each other, knowing that they'll
never meet again, because they have agreed to commit suicide onstage.

2) "Music related to the Crusade." In the middle play, the Duke (who's
about to commit suicide) recalls his experience at the last Crusade, how
he went to the Holy Land.

3) "Frightened music." One of the actors (the Ingenue) sobs as she admits
her lack of courage to commit suicide on stage, how she is "frightened of

4) A pause in the action.  It's in the Prologue, after the author had
had a talk with the actors about their attitudes and had left them (with
his final words being "act like artists!").  This is the stage direction:
"Long pause.  The noises behind the curtain have stopped.  The three actors
stand still and seem to be waiting for one of their number to speak, but no
one finds anything to say, and suddenly the Ingenue starts to sob without
restraint [for the reason above]." Would it be better to leave this pause
silent, or to add some music, and what music?

Thank you very much for your help!

Gilbert Chang