Jon Johanning queries:

>Query: are "all-girl" rock bands discriminatory? Should they be prosecuted
>under anti-discrimination laws? If not, what makes them different from the
>orchestra under consideration here, except size?

Surely this is devil's advocacy at work.  Perhaps -if- the band holds
blind auditions with professional critics or judges, -and- the position
is a paying one, -and- no males were considered for the position at all or
you could prove you (the auditionee) were passed over for a less-qualified
female due to gender discrimination, you might have a case.

Should the VPO admit women? Yup, if they're good.  Should women be allowed
to play baseball? Yup, if they can make the cut.  Should the WPO admit
men? Yup, if they're good.  They could still emphasize neglected women
composers, etc etc.  There's nothing wrong with having a cause, mission
statement, or what-have-you.

Dogma will get you nowhere.

Bob K.