Carol and all:
I have been accused, many times, of "pushing" Moms to begin and continue
pumping for their preterm infants.  I let it roll off my back because I know
it is best for baby (and eventually for Mom!).  I am anxious to do whatever it
takes to establish and support a Mom's breastmilk supply.  Pumping is very
therapeutic for most Moms, but also takes effort.  Just like breastfeeding
itself, if we make it too hard, more Mom's will give up.  I didn't find
anything relevant to this discussion on that page in Riordan & Auerbach, but I
will certainly look into the subject further.
In our NICU on any given day, 85-90 % of Moms are pumping, and 95% of infants
are receiving some form of breastmilk.
Nancy Wight MD, FAAP, IBCLC
San Diego, CA