I am new here and I have been reading many posts on thrush. I would like
to get some ideas on how to help a mother with quite an unusual bout of
When I was first referred to her she had cracked sore nipples.  She was
given antibiotics for what her doctor thought was mastitis.  However as
she described the pain (after addressing some latch issues) I had
suspected thrush.  A few days went by where she took the antibiotics and
the pain had not subsided.  I recommended GV for her and the baby.  I
also told her to see her doctor about it.He "found" thrush on the baby
but not on the mother so nystatin was prescribed for baby and she was
told to rub some on her nipples.

Anyway this thrush problem was so painful she couldn't take
breastfeeding for more than a few minutes at a time.  Pumping was out
too, due to the pain.

After several weeks of this persistent problem, we finally got the
doctor to prescribe a two week tharapy of Diflucan.  He said however she
couldn't breastfeed while on the med. because the it goes into the milk
(duh).  She perservered in pump and dumping (since it's not my place to
say outloud that her DR. was wrong)

She tried nursing after the diflucan and the pain still persisted.  she
reluctantly weaned feeling that there were no more alternatives.
Well No LAM and she's pregnant again and worried that it will happen
again.  She's due in April and I have exhausted every avenue availabel
to figure out what to do as she still says her nipples are sore (even
not nursing).  She sucessfully breastfed her first child.  So I don't
know what to tell her.  I will be talking to Kay Hoover Next month at a
conference but I would gladly buy lunch for any ideas anyone can give me
out side the standard ones.

Lauren Michaud WIC Breastfeeding Counselor
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