Hi Dianne,

I had a similar experience with  with my son.  He started with a small 1 cm
rash on his cheek at 6 months, then it got bigger and bigger all over his
cheeks and chin and some on his hands.  When it got so ugly and
uncomfortable for him (it oozed yellow serum and crusted over-yuck!)and
nothing I put on it would do anything, I took him to a naturopath that did
and electronic food sensitivity test on him  (about 10 months)  He was
sensitive to a whole list of things (wheat, corn, eggs, dairy. sugar,
chocolate, salt, peppers, potatoes, apples,  citrus, banana, tomatos, etc.)
which I did my best to avoid for 6 weeks.  Not much improvement, so we did
another 6 weeks  .  Much better improvement!.  we also gave some homeopathic
stuff (not sure exactly what) and put on ointment (homeopathic, mostly for
comfort)  we discovered he was highly sensitive to wheat, but the abstinence
from everything gave his system a rest and helped his immune system get
strong again.  His first birthday cake was a fruit cobbler made with spelt
flour and egg substitute, maple syrup and sea salt and maybe a little baking
powder.   We then started letting me eat more things.  He is now 20 months
and we mostly try to limit wheat (I don't limit my diet, but for my sake
probably should :)!!, although lately we have been pretty liberal and I see
a little ruddiness showing up on his face, so we will slow down on it for a
If you have any more questions, just ask!