I picked this up at a conference in '98 and think of it often, especially
the last line.

LIP SERVICE, in Service of the STATE

THEY hired me to work 40 hours a week on breastfeeding.
I did and used the time wisely.
THEY called me Fanatic.

THEY said, "Write us a Plan."
I wrote a Plan that was realistic and workable.
THEY said "We don't like that one.  Try again."

THEY said, "Tell us how to increase breastfeeding to 75%."
I said, "work on reducing artificial feeding to 25%."
THEY called me a Zealot.

THEY said, "You haven't proved that Breast is really Best."
I asked, "Then why are we Promoting it?"
THEY called me Radical.

THEY said, "We want to know what others say about breastfeeding."
I quoted the American Academy of Pediatrics.
THEY called me Dogmatic.

THEY said, "We want mothers to make a good choice."
I said, They need to know the risks of formula."
THEY said I'd cause too much Guilt.

THEY said "We want mothers to keep breastfeeding."
I said, "Stop interfering with them."
THEY said I Didn't Understand.

THEY asked me to analyze their clinics.
I said, "Your staff needs training."
THEY called me Confrontative.

THEY said they wanted me to provide Training.
I asked, "WHEN do we start?"
THEY called me Overzealous.

THEY sent me to set up a county-wide program.
I went, and it was successful.
THEY called me Subversive.

THEY told me they wanted to edit my proposals.
I used their words, intact and in context.
THEY called me Extreme.

They said they wanted a Breastfeeding Advocate.
I quoted research and mothers.
THEY called me Biased.

THEY Think that Lip Service is Enough.
I know that Breastfeeding really Matters.
BABIES are the Real ZEALOTS!

By Linda J. Smith (Granny Zealot)

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