My sincere apologies for cross posting.
There have been some general discussion about the "Melissa-Macro-Virus" on
some discussion lists already, but the below source has the best - and most
helpful - information I have seen.
Since the impact has already been significant and will grow over the new
week, I consider this a matter all should be fully informed of now.
Please do not reply to this message.
If you wish to write back, use the email in my signature below.
This message did NOT have an attachment when it was originally sent.
Original issue date: Saturday March 27 1999
Source: CERT Coordination Center, Carnegie Mellon University
Even if you do not use MS Word nor MS Outlook email (or have it on your
machine but are not using it), the potential for "harm" to you is still
significant.  Unintentional actions of others on your specific list may
disrupt your ability through your server to received email and disrupt your
ability to deliver email to other servers. A number of corporations and
universities have already had to take down their email servers.
Wayne Neighbors, Ph.D.
President, Vee Ring Ltd
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