The Voce Della Luna set of Ruslan and Ludmila is a marvelous performance
by the Bolshoi in 1952.  Kondrashin conducts.  Ivan Petrov is Ruslan; Vera
Firsova is Ludmila; Georgy Nelepp is Finn; Sergei Lemeshev is Bayan; and
other Bolshoi notables are in cast.

The transfer presents excellent mono sound, commenting on it as an
historical recording.

IMO this performance is more exciting, better sung, conducted, and played
than the later performance that I have heard, and which came to my shelf
first.  BUT that performance is good, too, so this comment has in it a
large element of the personal.

I'm not one who cares about "best" ratings, so factor that into your
understanding of these comments.

Summary: Unless your tummy *must* have DDD stereo sound this Bolshoi
performance will give great pleasure.


Harry Davis
(email: [log in to unmask])